"he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time to Grow A Beard...

It's been awhile to say the least.. I considered submitting a list of all the things that I've done since my last post, but who's going to read that? I've been busy, enough said.

Well summer isn't officially over, but my daughter declared that it was emphatically yesterday. She is always a few steps ahead of the curve. With the cooling weather, my eyes start to wander while I am driving to the patches of timber that line my drive to work. It's a delicate balance trying to spot deer while you are traveling 70 mph. Obviously it's not worth a wreck, so I can only spare fleeting glances at very key locations, but the key is looking for those telltale horizontal lines. You can train your eyes rather quickly with a little practice.

It didn't take long, I spotted a good sized buck last week not even 3 miles from my house. There is something about seeing deer that always makes me smile, but a buck sighting illicits a response of blood boiling, heart pounding, beat the war drums kind of melee that is encapsulated in the age old phrase: Buck Fever. Gotta go sharpen the knives and start growing out my beard...

Until next time...

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