To Do List:
Stop Shaving (check)
Begin Scent Removal Program
Sharpen Knives
Prepare Gear Checkdown List
Browse Cabela's Hunting Section
I thought I would also do some fact based analysis on the success of previous hunts.. After mining through massive amounts of data: weather trending, astrological indicators, rainfall totals, acorn production, scent quotients, and follicle measurements I have determined the rate of success for this year and what it all hinges on.
2007 Follicle Growth Pattern:
Probably about 1/2" length, simply just stopped trimming 1 month out.
Success Rate:
Shots Fired: 2
Deer Taken: 1
Does Seen: 5
Bucks Seen: 2
Deer Taken:
2008 Follicle Growth Pattern:
Full Grown Whalers Beard to Approx 1.5" First attempt at major beard growth expansion started in August.
Success Rate:
Shots Fired: 1
Deer Taken: 1
Does Seen: 8
Bucks Seen: 2
Deer Taken:
2009 Follicle Growth Pattern: (To Date)
Maintained Regular Trimming at 1+ inch length through out year until September when length trimming ceased. Should reach 4+ inch length by opening day via Protein Supplements and colder weather. (Bring on the Horse and Buggy comments)
Projected Success Rate:
Shots Fired: 2
Deer Taken: 2 (1 buck 1 doe)
Projected Buck To Be Taken:

Trimming ceased?
Beard length to 4 inches?
So this is why we've been having so many beard conversations, Love. :-)
Very nice. What caliber are you using?
I know they're a bit antiquated but I'm thinking of getting my Lee Enfields into shape for some hunting. One Enfield is to be converted to No5MkI (jungle carbine) format and the other is a No4 with a basic BSA scope added on a custom mount, but I haven't really sighted it in well.
Using a Browning 270 A-Bolt composite stock.. 150 grain bullet. BSA scope I think. Very accurate gun. I've taken deer on the move over 90yds away in the brush... just awesome..
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